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- #! /usr/bin/perl -w
- # Defoma - Debian Font Manager
- # Copyright (C) 2000 Yasuhiro Take <take@debian.org>
- # This program is free software. You can freely use, copy, modify, and
- # redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2.
- use Debian::Defoma::Font;
- import Debian::Defoma::Font;
- use Debian::Defoma::Common;
- import Debian::Defoma::Common qw(&DEFOMA_TEST_DIR);
- $LIBDIR = DEFOMA_TEST_DIR . "/usr/share/defoma";
- $SIG{'HUP'} = \&signalexit;
- $SIG{'INT'} = \&signalexit;
- $SIG{'QUIT'} = \&signalexit;
- $SIG{'TERM'} = \&signalexit;
- $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&emes;
- require("$LIBDIR/libperl-hint.pl");
- sub exitfunc {
- my $e = (@_ > 0) ? shift(@_) : 0;
- my $msg = (@_ > 0) ? shift(@_) : undef;
- print STDERR $msg, "\n" if (defined($msg));
- exit $e;
- }
- sub signalexit {
- exitfunc(255);
- }
- sub emes {
- print 'defoma-hints ', @_, '\n';
- exitfunc 1;
- }
- sub usage_and_exit {
- print "defoma-hints [-c] [--no-question] <category> <font>...\n";
- exitfunc 1;
- }
- ### main()
- usage_and_exit if (@ARGV == 0);
- my $MODE = 'g';
- my $NOQ = 0;
- while ($ARGV[0] =~ /^-/) {
- if ($ARGV[0] eq '-c') {
- $MODE = 'c';
- } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--no-question') {
- $NOQ = 1;
- }
- shift(@ARGV);
- }
- usage_and_exit if (@ARGV < 2);
- $CATEGORY = shift;
- $LIBFILE = "$LIBDIR/libhint-$CATEGORY.pl";
- my $sufpath = "";
- if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^[^\/]/) {
- $sufpath = "/path/to/";
- }
- print STDERR "Wait for second...\n";
- defoma_font_init();
- hint_beginlib('HintsGenerator', 70, $MODE, $sufpath, $NOQ);
- if (-e $LIBFILE) {
- require($LIBFILE);
- my $funcptr;
- eval("\$funcptr = \\&sethint_$CATEGORY");
- print "category $CATEGORY\n";
- foreach $FONTPATH (@ARGV) {
- my $lhints = &{$funcptr}($FONTPATH);
- next unless (defined($lhints));
- print "begin $sufpath$FONTPATH\n";
- my @hints = lhints2hints($lhints);
- print join("\n", @hints);
- print "\nend\n";
- }
- exitfunc(0);
- }
- exitfunc(1, "HintGenerator Library for $CATEGORY not found.");